Everything you need (& THEN some!) to be an empowered buyer & sellers

You might be thinking, “Whoa, Kelley, an entire page of resources for me to download right away? This is SO much more than I thought I was getting!” And that’s exactly what we’re going for. 😉


We’re here to be wayyy more than just your agent. We’re ALSO here to provide current home-owners with as much value and knowledge as possible so you can feel confident navigating every step of the buying, selling, and home-ownership process!

Browse our hottest tips, tricks, and handy-dandy resources below to support you in your buying & selling journey.

Billings, Montana on the Brain?

Whether you’re thinking of relocating to Billings, considering a move within Billings or just needing a little inspiration for a new Friday night date night spot – this guide will be your bible.

We are covering areas of Billings + surrounding spots in this magazine like guide so you can feel like you’re getting a look under the hood to what life could be like for you in this beautiful side of the state.


Buyer Road Map.

Curious on how buying a house really works?? Download our Buyers Roadmap. This gives you a quick snapshot of what your journey will look like on the road to buying a new home!


Seller Road Map.

Selling and moving and packing OH MY! There is a lot going on here! This Sellers Roadmap takes you through your selling journey when you hire The Real Estate Collective. We focus heavily on the prep so its smooth sailing to the closing table!

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Painting Projects.

One of our most valuable resources! You never know when you’ll need to call a trusted contractor—and our preferred vendors are truly some of the best in their field! Whether you’re buying or selling, you’ll definitely want to keep this one on hand.

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Seasonal Checklist.

Keep your house in tip-top shape with this handy checklist of To Dos for every season! Perfect for hanging on your fridge as a convenient reminder.

The no overwhelm plan to a new home you love!

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New Build Checklist


The no overwhelm path to building a home you're obsessed with! This checklist breaks down ALLLL the decisions you need to make when it comes to customizing your home. I’m talking cabinet pulls, door knobs, appliances, faucets and everything in between. Don’t let overwhelm hold you back from creating a life you love in a HOME you love