Preferred Partner Interview - Bowe Construction

If you have been here for a while - you know my love runs deep for Amanda Bowe. Her husband Ben is pretty cool too (I guess 😉). This husband wife duo is Billings very own Chip & Joanna. 

I first met them when a client was looking at a potential remodel in 2019 and we’ve been joined at the hip ever since. Well more like me calling all the time for construction questions, inspection requests and design tips and them graciously putting up with my questions 😎One of the things that has always impressed me about these two is they are fair & they are reasonable, but the finished product is always above and beyond. From small fixes like styling bookshelves and fixing a faucet to major renovations and whole house interior design - the service stays the same. Always above and beyond. 

Chances are if you’ve asked me for a recommendation, I’ve given you their number. And I will continue to do so again..and again…and again. 

I’m so excited for you to get to know one half of the dynamic duo a little better – so meet Amanda Bowe! Ben is probably out fixing something somewhere. ☺️

1. Introduce yourself -- How long have you been in the business and why did you start!    

Hello! I'm Amanda Bowe, a design lover with a desire to create beautiful, functional homes. In 2018, my husband, Ben, and I started our design and remodel company, Bowe Construction. After years of working on our own homes, we took a life change as a sign to start our own business. Working as a team for 16 years has given us a good understanding on how each of us thinks and functions to create a unique balance. 

2. What do you like to do outside of the office or workplace? Family life? Activities? 

In addition to Ben, we have two teenage boys that keep us busy and laughing. Whenever I can, I love to take vacations to new places and see the beauty surrounding us. At home, I love creating art, continuing to make our home suit us and our changing needs, and when possible, planning and designing our current fixer upper. Our older son plays football and that keeps me pretty busy these days.

3. What is your take on work-life balance and how do you balance it all? 

I wouldn't say I balance it all, but I do prioritize our family's needs and our kids' events. Work happens in between, which means there aren't set work hours. When tackling design projects, I prefer to work when inspired, rather than forcing the creativity to come out. 

4. What is one area of your industry that you feel you really hit the nail on the head? Why? 

I think people often think of interior design and decorating as frivolous and unnecessary, which can be true. Good design isn't simply for looks, it also creates function for everyone in the home. Talking with clients about their specific needs helps us hone in on what currently works and doesn't work in their home to create a functional and beautiful remodel. As someone involved in the construction industry for half of my life, I also have an understanding of the order of the remodel process to help walk clients through what can be a stressful situation. In a sense, I translate contractor speak to the client. 

5. What do you do for your industry that others don’t? 

Both Ben and I bring a wide skillset to the table. Ben can tackle nearly everything home related, including flooring install, tile setting, trim work, and more. I bring in the design aspect, manage remodels, and help with on site work like painting. With this wide range, we really form relationships with our clients as they see us nearly daily throughout their project. That creates a strong sense of trust and allows us to be involved in every aspect with hands- on, working knowledge.

6. What is your favorite thing about a job? 

I absolutely love getting to know our clients and creating a home that is the place where they host family dinners. A place where they invite friends and family over. A place of safety, comfort, and familiarity. A place where so many memories are made, with photos taken that literally our work is in the background of their lives and memories. 

7. Do you have a wild story about a project? What happened? 

Um, I can't think of a particularly wild client project story. However, we purchased a 1950's fixer upper two years ago and in our demo phase, found a random tunnel to no where. We still have no idea why it was there, how they created it, or what potential purpose it served. I joked that we'd either find treasure or a body at the end, but we found nothing.  

8. What's the easiest way for people to book with you? Where can they find you? (social medias) 

Well, I'm an older millennial, so you can find me on Instagram @ourhumbleabode for our personal home and @boweconstructionllc for our client remodels, though I'm terrible at keeping up either these days. Amanda is modest – @ourhumbleabode is a beautifully curated account filled with amazing design inspo. 

To see if Bowe Construction would be a good fit for your next project, inquire here & make sure to follow along on social to keep up with all their projects.

Bowe Construction Instagram
Our Humble Abode Instagram


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