The One Thing You Need While Building Your New Home

Can I tell you about this one time some of my clients walked away from $90k of non refundable earnest money? 

Yep you heard me right.

Hear this...because of the overwhelm of building.

I was working with a repeat client of mine and they wanted to explore building their forever home. We had their plans, their lot, their vision. We literally started digging. And all of a sudden, I get a phone call…"Kelley we want to pull out". 

I was shook. Like why??? Building was the PERFECT option for them because of their needs in the transaction timeline & the type of features they were looking for. 

After a little bit of conversation, I found it was fear. 

The wife had suffered some health problems due to overwhelm and stress not too long ago and they were scared it might happen again. They didn't think about ALL the decisions that had to be made and that overwhelmed them. We immediately pulled the plug. 

But it got me thinking.....🧐

What if we hadn't gotten to the point where they started to feel that overwhelm? 

What if they felt secure in the process? What if they felt confident in knowing what was coming? What if it was manageable?

I felt it was my duty to create something that would save future home builders from the same pain. 

Thus The New Build Checklist was born. 

Before I deep dive into what the New Build Checklist is – I wanted to take you back in time. 

It’s October 1935 in Dayton Ohio. The US Army Air Corps was holding a flight competition in Dayton Ohio. Airplane manufacturers were working on building the next generation long bomber. Heavy bombers fly long distances to drop bombs over targets from high altitudes. They are also the largest & most powerful military aircraft. 

The two heavy hitters in this competition were Martin & Douglas and the infamous Boeing. Now, it really wasn’t thought to be much of a competition, Boeing had proven its value time and time again and was absolutely thought to be the front runner. 

Boeings model was able to carry 5x more bombs than requested by the Army & could deliver them faster than any other model. Those statistics alone deemed it the “Flying Fortress” 

The competition started and Boeings plane took flight. It sliced through the clouds like butter - everyone was in awe of sleek beauty. It climbing higher and higher to about 300 feet and all of a sudden.. 

It stalls out. 

Turned on its wing. And crashed into a fiery explosion. 

What happened?? 

After an investigation, it was uncovered that there wasn’t anything mechanically wrong with the airplane. It was labeled as “pilot error”. Substantially more complex than the previous planes, the new plane required the pilot to manage many vast platforms at one time in order for a successful voyage. 

The Boeing model was deemed “too much plane for one to fly” 

Even with the failed flight, the Army still bought a few of the models. They wanted to test it out because of its ability, they felt it was worth the investigation. 

What they came up with was genius. They created a pilot’s checklist. Step by step checks for take off, flight, landing and taxiing. The new plane was too complicated to be left to the memory of any pilot, even the most expert. 

With the checklist in hand, pilots flew the model 1.8 million miles without one incident. Bigger picture, the Army now gained a decisive advantage in the Second World War which enabled its bombing campaign across Nazi Germany. 

All because they implemented a checklist. 

Some might say that building a home can be like flying a plane. There are many components that go into the process for it to take flight. 

So here is what you can expect to find in this new build checklist: 

This little baby packs a punch - it breaks down all the categories of decisions needing to be made after your floor plan is finalized - I’m talking cabinets, counters, light fixtures and everything in between. 

It batches your decision making into “like” categories making it easy for you to stay in one lane while picking things out for your home and what this really means is you can feel less overwhelmed because you are able to focus on ONE thing at a time. 

Just like the Army in developing a “Pilots Checklist” - you are in the drivers seat when it comes to making decisions on your home and in order for it to take flight you need a roadmap. 

This workbook includes:

  • Weekly Break Down & Schedule of the New Build Process

  • Checklists & Visual Breakdown of the items needed

  • Room Selection Breakdowns

Whether you are thinking about building, planning on building, or in the process of building OR an agent looking to add value to your clients looking to build (Hiiiii yeaaahh you too!).....

This checklist is going to open up the mental margin so that you can make clear & direct decisions when working on your design.  


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