The First Steps To Take BEFORE You List Your Home For Sale

So, you want to sell your house? YAY! You’re in the right place. 

Choosing to sell your home is often an exciting time because it often accompanies some sort of life change. 

Whether you’re upsizing for a family addition, downsizing to accommodate your current family dynamics, moving states, moving across town, or you’re simply in an in between spot of life, selling your home is a big decision and if you’ve never navigated the process before, it can be hard to know where to start.

That’s why I’m here so you can take the guesswork and Google searches out of it.

Knowing how to properly navigate the home selling process can save you a ton of time, stress and sanity, which is the ultimate goal. 

In this blog post, you’ll specifically learn the steps to take BEFORE you list your home for sale, because if you want the transaction to move as quickly as possible, there’s some things you want to make sure you do up front.

It’s not always as simple as taking a few photos, uploading your home on the MLS, and calling it a day.

To really start the home selling process and move you closer to your ultimate goal – which is often money in your pocket – there’s a few things that must happen first, so let’s start there. ⬇️

And the best part? At the Real Estate Collective, we have a trusted team to help you with ALL of these steps and some of our clients have seen a 47% return on investment when they follow this process. 

If you want to experience the same, trust me on this – let’s dive in.

What To Do FIRST When Selling Your Home

When I first connect with clients who are interested in selling their home, we all start in the same place… and that is market analysis. 

And if you aren’t familiar with what that means, it’s really just a fancy way of saying that we establish your price. 💲

Because often when selling, the first question you have is, “what should I list my home for?”

A market analysis helps you answer that question and it isn't done by guessing!

Instead, it’s done by calculating adjustments between your home and the homes that have recently sold in your area. The adjustment amounts have been created using local data from our local appraisers, so you can know that you will be getting the most current market value for your home.

This step is super important so that we can list your home competitively, but also in a way that will attract buyers who are serious. 

If we price too low, you run the risk of leaving money on the table.

If we price too high, you run the risk of having your home stay on the market for more days than you’d like and you’ll likely end up cutting the price of your home throughout the process. 

I ultimately want you to price it right from the very beginning, so that you can experience a win/win situation – you end up with a sale price that you’re happy with and buyers experience a fair trade as well. 🏆

In fact - I had a Seller tell me just yesterday “wow you’re right on the money” when their appraisal came in at the exact dollar amount I had told them. 💁🏼‍♀️ The formula we use is proven to max out your return on investment without getting stale on the market. 

What To Expect On Your Seller’s Consultation

To get your market analysis rolling, it’s wise to connect with a trusted, local realtor for a seller’s consultation where you can receive information and guidance on the selling process, the current real estate market conditions, and strategies for effectively marketing and selling the property.

During a seller’s consultation, you’ll likely discuss:

  • Property Evaluation and Market Analysis

This is where your agent will assess your property's condition, features, and potential market value. From there, they can move into the market analysis mentioned above to help you understand the current market trends and determine an appropriate listing price.

  • Marketing Strategies

During your consultation, your agent may discuss their marketing plan for the property, including online and offline promotional efforts, open houses, and potential target buyers.

  • Timeline and Process

This is also where the agent will likely outline the typical timeline for selling a property, from listing to closing, and explains the various steps involved in the process.

  • Establish a Working Relationship 

Lastly, the seller’s consultation really serves as a way for you and your agent to establish a positive working relationship and give you clear direction on how to effectively work together to get to the outcome that you ultimately desire – which is of course selling your home! 🏠💸

During this time, your realtor will likely outline their services, discuss their fee structure and explain their legal and ethical obligations to you as the seller, which includes fiduciary duties, confidentiality, and acting in the best interests of you!

In some cases, your realtor may ask you to sign a Seller Representation Agreement, which simply formalizes the relationship between you as the seller and them as your realtor, outlining the terms and duration of the working arrangement.

Overall, a seller’s consultation with a realtor is among the FIRST steps you want you take when selling your home, as it helps both, you as the seller, and the realtor understand each other's expectations and establish a foundation for a successful partnership.

Questions To Ask Your Realtor

During a seller’s consultation, not only is it the time for the realtor to set expectations and make sure you understand how the process will work, but it’s also YOUR chance to make sure they’re a good fit for your needs and goals. 

Because let’s be real: not everyone is a perfect match for everyone, so this consultation gives you a chance to vibe check and make sure you feel good about working with them during one of the most important times of your life!

To make sure a realtor is a good fit for you, there’s a few questions you can ask when you meet with them:

Regarding Experience and Expertise:

  • How long have you been working as a real estate agent?

  • What is your experience with selling properties in this specific area?

  • Have you handled transactions similar to mine in terms of property type and price range?

Regarding Marketing Strategies:

  • What is your marketing plan for selling my property?

  • How do you utilize online and offline channels to market homes?

  • Can you provide examples of successful marketing campaigns you've implemented in the past?

Regarding Pricing, Market Analysis, and Market Conditions:

  • How do you determine the listing price for a property?

  • Could you walk me through a comparative market analysis (CMA) for my property?

  • What factors should I consider when setting the asking price?

  • What are the current market conditions in this area?

  • Are there any trends or factors that might impact the sale of my property?

Regarding Communication and Support:

  • How do you prefer to communicate with clients (phone, email, text, in-person)?

  • What is your typical response time to client inquiries?

  • Do you work as part of a real estate team, and if so, who will be my primary point of contact?

  • How do you handle multiple clients and ensure personalized attention?

Regarding Negotiating:

  • How do you approach negotiations with potential buyers?

  • Can you provide examples of successful negotiations you've handled in the past?

  • How do you handle multiple offers for your clients?

Regarding Referrals and References:

  • Can you provide references from past clients who were in a similar situation to mine?

  • Do you have any professional referrals, such as mortgage brokers or home inspectors, you recommend?

Regarding Fees and Costs:

  • What is your commission structure, and how do your fees work?

  • Are there any additional costs or expenses I should be aware of when working with you?

Regarding Selling Timeline:

  • How long do you anticipate it will take to sell my property?

  • What can be done to expedite the selling process?

You can pick and choose which of these questions apply to you the most, but if I could give you any advice it would be to ASK. THE. QUESTIONS.

A realtor’s response to any of these questions can give you the insight you need to make sure that you choose the agent that is the best fit for you and will keep your best interest at heart throughout the entire selling process.

The 3 Step Proven Process to Preparing Your Home For Market

At the Real Estate Collective, we’ve developed a 3 step proven process to help you prepare your home for the market in order to achieve the best outcome!

As mentioned earlier, this process alone has given our clients a 47% return on investment, so if you’re looking to maximize the money in your pocket when selling, trust me on this…

1. Prep 

First things first, PREP! This of course involves cleaning the home inside and out, but also can involve upgrading or renovations if needed. 

And no, this doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of time or money.

We’re talking small things that make a BIG impact. Things like fresh coats of paint, new flooring, and small updates or upgrades (like kitchen appliances, for example). 🎨🧹🛠️

For a closer look at some strategic ways to prep your home for market, CLICK HERE!

Essentially anything that’s going to shine up the property to give it a wow factor that buyers are looking for!

When thinking about what upgrades or renos to do during the prep stage, consider: what are they getting that the property down the street doesn't have?

What are the things that are going to make YOUR property stand out?

And don’t worry – you don’t have to figure this out alone! As your realtor, I, along with my team of experts, can provide guidance on what will make the biggest difference.

2. Perfect

Once your home is prepped, it’s time to PERFECT! ✨

This is where my staging expert will come in and get your home looking picture-perfect for listing photos and showings, so you can really sell those potential buyers.

This is what allows buyers to visualize the space as their own. They can come in and imagine what their life would look like in the home. 

What I love about my stager? Strategy is the name of her game and she has the big picture in mind always. 

THESE are the kind of people you want on your side!

3. Present

You’ve prepped and you’ve perfected, now it’s time to PRESENT. 📸

During this phase of the process, our exclusive photographer will come in to make sure every corner of your house is looking its absolute best and captured effectively, so you can feel confident knowing quality offers will be coming in. 

If you’ve ever browsed Zillow or any other platforms showcasing homes for sale, you know that the pictures can really make or break a property. 

That’s why professional photography is a non-negotiable because let’s be real… professional photos are WAYYYY more exciting to look at than Sharon’s iphone 5 photos, ya feel me? 🤣

We want your property to be show stopping. When people are browsing homes online, we want your property to stop them in their tracks and say, “THAT ONE! I’ve got to see that one.”

That’s the goal and with the right people on your side, that is exactly what you can expect! 👏🏼

Ready To Start The Home Selling Process?

Selling your home is a big deal and you want to make sure you partner with a trusted, local realtor to help you do it RIGHT!

Your real estate agent is the person that works with you from start to finish to make this process feel way less overwhelming and will help you get connected with all of the crucial people needed who have been vetted and trusted.

That’s the #1 reason that you want to work with a local agent who is established in your area and KNOWS 👏🏼 THEIR 👏🏼 STUFF 👏🏼

So, whaddya say? Are you ready to begin the home selling process?

If you’re local to Billings, CLICK HERE to get started and I’ll help you get started on the right foot. 

And if you aren’t local to Billings, good news for you – I know people. 😏

Connect here and I’ll get you in touch with a trusted agent in your area to start the home selling process with ease!


Your Home Is Prepped For Market – Now What?!


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